Primes p such that p does not divide any term of the Apery-like sequence A002893.

%I #7 Aug 22 2017 12:09:42

%S 2,7,13,37,61,73,109,127,157,163,193,211,223,229,271,283,307,313,331,

%T 337,349,367,379,409,421,433,463,487,499,523,577,607,613,619,631,661,

%U 673,691,727,733,751,757,769,787,823,829,853,883,907,919,1021,1039

%N Primes p such that p does not divide any term of the Apery-like sequence A002893.

%H Amita Malik and Armin Straub, <a href="/A133370/a133370.nb">Mathematica notebook for generating A133370 and A260793, A291275-A291284</a>

%H Amita Malik and Armin Straub, <a href="/A133370/a133370.pdf">Lists of all primes up to 10000 in A133370 and A260793, A291275-A291284, together with Mathematica code.</a>

%H Amita Malik and Armin Straub, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s40993-016-0036-8">Divisibility properties of sporadic Apéry-like numbers</a>, Research in Number Theory, 2016, 2:5

%Y For primes that do not divide the terms of the sequences A000172, A005258, A002893, A081085, A006077, A093388, A125143, A229111, A002895, A290575, A290576, A005259 see A260793, A291275-A291284 and A133370 respectively.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Aug 21 2017