%I #6 Apr 05 2020 23:24:11
%S 0,2896,265920,27339964,3077883556,345505561776,40895629554933,
%T 4788769986049492,578161651518199128,69329034539728070792,
%U 8460129656506891963059,1028996276834209548728154
%N Number of 7 X n 0..1 arrays with the number of 1's horizontally, diagonally or antidiagonally adjacent to some 0 one less than the number of 0's adjacent to some 1.
%C Row 7 of A285750.
%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A285756/b285756.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..14</a>
%e Some solutions for n=2
%e ..0..0. .0..1. .1..0. .0..0. .1..1. .0..0. .1..1. .1..1. .1..0. .1..0
%e ..0..0. .1..0. .1..1. .1..1. .1..0. .0..0. .0..0. .1..0. .0..1. .1..0
%e ..0..0. .1..0. .0..0. .1..1. .0..1. .0..1. .0..1. .0..0. .0..1. .1..0
%e ..1..0. .1..1. .0..1. .1..0. .1..0. .0..0. .0..0. .0..0. .0..0. .0..0
%e ..1..0. .0..0. .0..0. .1..0. .0..1. .1..1. .0..1. .1..0. .0..0. .0..0
%e ..1..1. .1..0. .0..0. .0..0. .0..0. .1..0. .1..0. .0..0. .1..1. .1..0
%e ..0..0. .0..0. .0..0. .0..1. .1..0. .0..1. .1..0. .1..1. .1..1. .1..1
%Y Cf. A285750.
%K nonn
%O 1,2
%A _R. H. Hardin_, Apr 25 2017