Periodic with period [1, 4, 3, 4, 1, 6] of length 6.

%I #23 Oct 19 2017 14:58:41

%S 1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,

%T 1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,

%U 3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6,1,4,3,4,1,6

%N Periodic with period [1, 4, 3, 4, 1, 6] of length 6.

%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_04">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (-1,0,1,1).

%F G.f. -x*(1+5*x+7*x^2+6*x^3) / ( (x-1)*(1+x)*(1+x+x^2) ).

%F a(n+6) = a(n).

%F a(n) = (24 - ((n mod 6)^5 - 13*(n mod 6)^4 + 61*(n mod 6)^3 - 123*(n mod 6)^2 + 94*(n mod 6)))/4 for n>0. - _Luce ETIENNE_, Oct 19 2017

%Y Row 3 of A008307.

%Y Cf. A284518.

%K nonn,easy

%O 1,2

%A _R. J. Mathar_, Mar 28 2017