Number of nX6 0..1 arrays with no element equal to more than three of its king-move neighbors and with new values introduced in order 0 sequentially upwards.

%I #4 Jan 20 2017 14:13:41

%S 32,969,1539,5868,19700,63168,198619,620828,1944159,6105081,19189416,

%T 60385505,190118585,598690316,1885690028,5940692405,18718954541,

%U 58991163156,185928394316,586078958927,1847624916623,5825223387125

%N Number of nX6 0..1 arrays with no element equal to more than three of its king-move neighbors and with new values introduced in order 0 sequentially upwards.

%C Column 6 of A281344.

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A281342/b281342.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A281342/a281342.txt">Empirical recurrence of order 98</a>

%F Empirical recurrence of order 98 (see link above)

%e Some solutions for n=4

%e ..0..0..0..0..1..1. .0..1..0..1..1..0. .0..0..1..0..1..0. .0..0..1..1..0..1

%e ..0..1..1..1..0..1. .0..1..0..1..0..1. .1..0..1..0..1..0. .1..0..1..0..1..0

%e ..1..0..0..0..0..1. .0..1..0..1..0..1. .1..0..1..0..1..0. .1..0..1..0..1..0

%e ..0..1..1..1..1..0. .1..0..0..1..0..0. .0..1..0..1..0..0. .0..0..1..1..0..1

%Y Cf. A281344.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Jan 20 2017