The mailbox manufacturer's problem, for the 2-mailbox case.

%I #43 Dec 07 2019 12:18:28

%S 1,3,5,7,10,14,17,20,23,28,33,37,41,45,50,55,60,66,73,78,84,89,94,99,

%T 105,114,121,127,134,140,147,154,161,167,173,183,190,202,210,218,225,

%U 232,240,247,254,261,268,276,290,301,310,318,327,335,343,353,362,371,380,390,399,408,417,430,443,455,466,476,485,496,506

%N The mailbox manufacturer's problem, for the 2-mailbox case.

%C Given two identical mailboxes, each of which can hold up to n firecrackers, let M be the maximum number of firecrackers that can be simultaneously exploded in a mailbox without bursting it (and making it unusable for further testing). Assume that each mailbox can withstand an unlimited number of explosions of M or fewer firecrackers at a time. a(n) is the number of firecrackers needed to determine M, in the worst case, using an optimal strategy.

%C From _Jon E. Schoenfield_, Jan 11 2017: (Start)

%C As the number of mailboxes B increases without limit, the sequences appear to converge to A007078 (Optimal cost of search tree); the first 25 terms for cases B=1 (A000217), B=2 (this sequence), B=3 through B=6, and A007078 are as follows, where dots indicate a repeat of the value to the left:

%C .

%C n | B=1 B=2 B=3 B=4 B=5 B=6 A007078

%C ---+------------------------ -------

%C 1 | 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1

%C 2 | 3 .. .. .. .. .. 3

%C 3 | 6 5 .. .. .. .. 5

%C 4 | 10 7 .. .. .. .. 7

%C 5 | 15 10 9 .. .. .. 9

%C 6 | 21 14 12 .. .. .. 12

%C 7 | 28 17 16 15 .. .. 15

%C 8 | 36 20 20 19 .. .. 19

%C 9 | 45 23 .. .. .. .. 23

%C 10 | 55 28 26 .. .. .. 26

%C 11 | 66 33 29 .. .. .. 29

%C 12 | 78 37 32 .. .. .. 32

%C 13 | 91 41 35 .. .. .. 35

%C 14 | 105 45 39 38 .. .. 38

%C 15 | 120 50 45 41 .. .. 41

%C 16 | 136 55 50 45 .. .. 45

%C 17 | 153 60 55 49 .. .. 49

%C 18 | 171 66 60 54 53 .. 53

%C 19 | 190 73 65 61 57 .. 57

%C 20 | 210 78 69 67 62 .. 62

%C 21 | 231 84 73 .. 67 .. 67

%C 22 | 253 89 77 .. 73 72 72

%C 23 | 276 94 81 .. .. 77 77

%C 24 | 300 99 85 .. .. 83 83

%C 25 | 325 105 89 .. .. .. 89

%C (End)

%H Joerg Arndt, <a href="/A280433/b280433.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..9999</a>

%H Kattis, <a href="https://open.kattis.com/problems/mailbox">The Mailbox Manufacturers Problem</a>, from Norwegian/Swedish Championships 2002.

%F From _Jon E. Schoenfield_, Jan 10 2017: (Start)

%F Let f(L,U,B) be the number of firecrackers needed to determine M (in the worst case, using an optimal strategy), given that M is known to be in the closed interval [L, U] and B mailboxes remain available for testing. Then if B=1, we must sequentially test each integer number k of firecrackers from L+1 upward until the mailbox fails (since a failure will destroy our only remaining mailbox), and in the worst case (largest total number of firecrackers used) we will use L+1 + L+2 + ... + U firecrackers, so

%F f(L,U,1) = Sum_{k=L+1..U} k = (L+1+U)*(U-L)/2.

%F For B >= 2 and U > L, we have

%F f(L,U,B) = min_{k=L+1..U} (k + max(f(k,U,B), f(L,k-1,B-1)))

%F (where the minimum gives the best strategy (minimizing the total number of firecrackers needed), and max(f(k,U,B), f(L,k-1,B-1)) is the worst-case result from the outcomes of mailbox success and failure at a k-firecracker test)

%F and when L=U, we have

%F f(L,U,B) = 0 (since M has been determined).

%F Using the above recursive formula, we can compute

%F a(n) = f(0,n,2). (End)

%F It looks as though lim_{n->inf} a(n)/n^(3/2) = 0.818... - _Jon E. Schoenfield_, Jan 12 2017

%e For n = 3, the optimal strategy uses 2 firecrackers for the first test, and in the worst case, the mailbox holds up and we need to try 3 firecrackers, for a(3) = 2 + 3 = 5 in total.

%e For n = 6, the optimal strategy uses 3 firecrackers for the first test. In the worst case, the mailbox holds up and we try a second test with 5. Again, the worst case is that the mailbox withstands the test, so the third test uses 6, for a final sum of a(6) = 3 + 5 + 6 = 14.

%o (Python 2)

%o seen = {}

%o def solve(start, end, boxes):

%o tup = (start, end, boxes)

%o if boxes == 1 or start >= end-1:

%o val = (start + end) * (end-start+1) / 2

%o seen[tup] = val

%o return val

%o lowest = 100000000000000000

%o for x in range(end-1, start, -1):

%o firstup = (x+1, end, boxes)

%o first = seen[firstup] if firstup in seen else solve(x+1, end, boxes)

%o if first >= lowest:

%o break

%o secondtup = (start, x-1, boxes-1)

%o second = seen[secondtup] if secondtup in seen else solve(start, x-1, boxes-1)

%o if second >= lowest:

%o break

%o lowest = min(lowest, x + max(first, second))

%o seen[tup] = lowest

%o return lowest

%Y Cf. A000217, A007078, A180975.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Christofer Ohlsson_, Jan 03 2017

%E More terms from _Joerg Arndt_, Jan 11 2017