Decimal expansion of h^2, where h is the Planck constant in SI units.

%I #13 Jun 03 2019 02:02:52

%S 4,3,9,0,4,8,0,5,6,3,2,7,2,1,0,2,2,5

%N Decimal expansion of h^2, where h is the Planck constant in SI units.

%F h^2 = A003676^2.

%e h^2 = 4.390 480 563 272 102 25 * 10^(-67).

%Y Cf. A003676.

%K nonn,cons,fini,full

%O -66,1

%A _Omar E. Pol_, Dec 15 2016

%E Updated by _Ivan Panchenko_, May 23 2019