Positive integers k such that 3^k == 2 (mod k).

%I #31 Oct 05 2021 21:18:57

%S 1,2929,9742277641,23341869101,15092205901438895,16311037042239935

%N Positive integers k such that 3^k == 2 (mod k).

%C No other terms below 2*10^16. A larger term: 31744873758348589012852097851.

%t Join[{1}, Select[Range[10000], PowerMod[3, #, #] == 2 &]] (* _Alonso del Arte_, Oct 11 2016 *)

%o (PARI) isok(n) = Mod(3, n)^n == Mod(2, n); \\ _Dmitry Ezhov_, Sep 28 2016

%Y Cf. A015973, A067945, A015949, A055686, A242865, A234535, A234536, A050259.

%K nonn,more,hard

%O 1,2

%A _Max Alekseyev_, Oct 05 2016

%E Order of terms corrected by _Felix Fröhlich_, Oct 06 2016

%E a(5)-a(6) from _Sergey Paramonov_, Oct 03 2021