%I #24 May 09 2021 02:27:26
%S 10234567,10234576,10234579,10234597,10234657,10234675,10234678,
%T 10234687,10234756,10234759,10234765,10234768,10234786,10234795,
%U 10234867,10234876,10234957,10234975,10235467,10235476,10235479,10235497,10235647,10235674,10235746,10235749
%N Numbers k such that the sum of all the different permutations of the digits of k (A045876(k)) is a pandigital number (a term of A171102).
%e 10234759 is a term because A045876(10234759) = 1567999984320, which contains every digit from 0 to 9.
%o (PARI) A047726(n) = n=eval(Vec(Str(n))); (#n)!/prod(i=0, 9, sum(j=1, #n, n[j]==i)!);
%o A055642(n) = #Str(n);
%o A007953(n) = sumdigits(n);
%o A045876(n) = ((10^A055642(n)-1)/9)*(A047726(n)*A007953(n)/A055642(n));
%o isA171102(n) = 9<#vecsort(Vecsmall(Str(n)), , 8);
%o is(n) = isA171102(A045876(n));
%Y Cf. A045876, A171102.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A _Altug Alkan_, Sep 06 2016