Shift left the greedy A001563-base (A276326) representation of n (append 0 to the right, then convert back to decimal).

%I #9 Sep 01 2016 10:55:16

%S 0,4,8,12,18,22,26,30,36,40,44,48,54,58,62,66,72,76,96,100,104,108,

%T 114,118,122,126,132,136,140,144,150,154,158,162,168,172,192,196,200,

%U 204,210,214,218,222,228,232,236,240,246,250,254,258,264,268,288,292,296,300,306,310,314,318,324,328,332,336,342,346,350,354,360

%N Shift left the greedy A001563-base (A276326) representation of n (append 0 to the right, then convert back to decimal).

%H Antti Karttunen, <a href="/A276340/b276340.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..4320</a>

%F a(0) = 0; for n >= 1, a(n) = A276338(n) + a(A276335(n)).

%F Other identities:

%F a(A001563(n)) = A001563(n+1) for all n >= 1.

%e n A276326 with one zero converted back

%e appended to the right to decimal = a(n)

%e ---------------------------------------------------------

%e 0 0 00 0

%e 1 1 10 4

%e 2 2 20 8

%e 3 3 30 12

%e 4 10 100 18

%e 5 11 110 22

%e 6 12 120 26

%e 7 13 130 30

%e 8 20 200 36

%e 9 21 210 40

%e 10 22 220 44

%e 11 23 230 48

%e 12 30 300 54

%e 13 31 310 58

%e 14 32 320 62

%e 15 33 330 66

%e 16 40 400 72

%e 17 41 410 76

%e 18 100 1000 96

%o (Scheme) (definec (A276340 n) (if (zero? n) n (+ (A276338 n) (A276340 (A276335 n)))))

%Y Cf. A276341 (complement).

%Y Cf. A001563, A276326, A276335, A276338, A276339.

%Y Cf. also A153880, A255411, A276091.

%K nonn,base

%O 0,2

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Sep 01 2016