Number of binary strings of length n having the maximum possible number of different antipower periods.

%I #28 Jul 08 2016 00:10:57

%S 2,2,8,12,32,18,128,24,336,992,2048,1348,8192,16256,6060,43680,131072,

%T 20160,524288,429528,39248,4192256,8388608,15632,24165120,67100672,

%U 133432320,54894172,536870912,555642580,2147483648,518918400

%N Number of binary strings of length n having the maximum possible number of different antipower periods.

%C An antipower period of a length-n string x is a divisor l of n such that if you factor x as the concatenation of (n/l) blocks of length l, then all these blocks are distinct. For example, 000110 has antipower periods 2,3, and 6, which is the most possible for a string of length 6, while 000001 has antipower periods 3 and 6 only.

%H G. Fici, A. Restivo, M. Silva, and L. Q. Zamboni, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02868">Anti-powers in infinite words</a>, arxiv preprint, 1606.02868v1 [cs.DM], June 9 2016.

%Y Cf. A274449, A274450, A274451.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Jeffrey Shallit_, Jun 23 2016

%E a(19)-a(32) from _Bjarki Ágúst Guðmundsson_, Jul 07 2016