a(n) is the smallest number whose divisors contain each 0..9 digit exactly n times.

%I #10 May 15 2016 12:40:50

%S 203457869,206893558,507083396,506815954,102668478970,895233580,

%T 26475394180,887692930,10708845258,13306408052,155503137452,963213572,

%U 803503960576,40349550036,203264657940

%N a(n) is the smallest number whose divisors contain each 0..9 digit exactly n times.

%C We also have a(18)=18174907880, a(19)=81418065258, a(20)=257678968520, and a(23)=529539876740. The missing terms are all greater than 10^12.

%e a(1)=203457869, whose divisors are 1 and 203457869 itself. a(2)=206893558, whose divisors, i.e., 1, 2, 103446779, and 206893558, contain each digit 2 times.

%Y Cf. A038564, A059436, A243363.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Giovanni Resta_, May 15 2016