Each number is the sum of the cubes of its 3 sections (not necessarily having the same length and without leading zeros)

%I #47 Jun 08 2017 16:33:46

%S 153,370,371,407,1000,1001,2213,4160,4161,41833,165033,221859,341067,

%T 444664,487215,982827,983221,166500333,296584415,710656413,828538472,

%U 3351425749,4741646560,5363441729,6410801727,13681182232,15812239860,16066842264,18722248929,67229383464

%N Each number is the sum of the cubes of its 3 sections (not necessarily having the same length and without leading zeros)

%C Sequence A056733 is quite similar, except that in the present sequence no leading 0's are allowed (except 0 itself) and sections may be of different length.

%H Giovanni Resta, <a href="/A271730/b271730.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..69</a> (terms < 10^18)

%e 1000 = 10^3 + 0^3 + 0^3 is a term, 2213 = 2^3 + 2^3 + 13^3 is a term too.

%Y Cf. A056733.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Martins Opmanis_, Apr 19 2016