Decimal expansion of Gamma(log(2)).

%I #13 Jan 16 2017 14:07:04

%S 1,3,0,9,0,4,0,9,1,1,2,8,1,4,8,1,2,6,9,8,2,4,5,3,2,5,2,1,3,9,5,9,2,9,

%T 5,7,5,6,1,2,5,8,9,0,3,1,9,1,8,1,8,9,0,0,1,0,3,8,9,8,0,0,0,7,9,0,9,0,

%U 9,3,9,7,6,3,4,5,6,3,2,7,4,7,1,6,0,9,7,4,1,2,5,0,3,0,1,0,0,4,3,5,1,0,5

%N Decimal expansion of Gamma(log(2)).

%C Gamma(x) is the Gamma function (Euler's integral of the second kind).

%H G. C. Greubel, <a href="/A269557/b269557.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..5000</a>

%e 1.3090409112814812698245325213959295756125890319181890...

%p evalf(GAMMA(ln(2)), 120);

%t RealDigits[Gamma[Log[2]], 10, 120][[1]]

%o (PARI) default(realprecision, 120); gamma(log(2))

%o (MATLAB) format long; gamma(log(2))

%Y Cf. A269558, A269559, A269545, A269546, A269547, A257955, A257957, A257958, A257959, A002161.

%Y Cf. A073005, A068466, A175380, A175379, A220086, A203142, A256190, A256191, A256192, A203140, A203139, A203138, A203137.

%K nonn,cons

%O 1,2

%A _Iaroslav V. Blagouchine_, Feb 29 2016