%I #19 Jan 08 2016 14:45:28
%S 2,11,13,101,103,113,199,1009,1013,1021,1033,1039,1103,1117,1151,1303,
%T 1511,1777,10007,10037,10061,10099,10103,10111,10133,10139,10141,
%U 10211,10223,10243,10271,10301,10303,10313,10331,10333,10343,10399,10513,10607,11003
%N Smallest representatives of primes of distinct digital types.
%C Numbers of different digital types for n-digit primes are 1,2,4,11,...
%H Peter J. C. Moses, <a href="/A266991/b266991.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..5000</a>
%e The first 3-digit prime is 101=a(4).
%e The following 3-digit prime is 103. It does not have the same digital type as 101, since in 103 there are 3 distinct digits, but not in 101. So a(5)=103.
%e The next two primes 107 and 109 belongs to type 103.
%e Next consider 113. Here the first two digits are the same, but in 101 and 103 they are not. So 113 is a new type, and a(6)=113.
%e It remains to find the smallest prime of form XYY. It is 199=a(7).
%e Now we see that every 3-digit prime is of one of the 4 types a(4),a(5),a(6),a(7).
%e Next we consider the first 4-digit number a(8)=1009, etc.
%Y Cf. A264406, A266946.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A _Vladimir Shevelev_, Jan 08 2016
%E More terms from _Peter J. C. Moses_, Jan 08 2016