Primes of the form n^2 + phi(n).

%I #12 Sep 08 2022 08:46:14

%S 2,5,11,29,131,181,233,379,991,1109,1249,1721,2633,2861,3539,4273,

%T 6971,8009,8353,10301,10711,13313,17291,19973,22349,26053,26731,32941,

%U 34369,35129,36671,37441,39799,47269,49033,54521,58321,69431,79241,82609,87257

%N Primes of the form n^2 + phi(n).

%e The prime 29 is in sequence because 29 = 5^2 + phi(5).

%t Select[Table[n^2 + EulerPhi[n], {n, 500}], PrimeQ]

%o (Magma) [a: n in [1..300] | IsPrime(a) where a is n^2 + EulerPhi(n)];

%o (PARI) for(n=1, 1e3, if(isprime(k=n^2 + eulerphi(n)), print1(k, ", "))) \\ _Altug Alkan_, Nov 24 2015

%Y Cf. A000010, A000290, A258435, A264724.

%K nonn,easy

%O 1,1

%A _Vincenzo Librandi_, Nov 24 2015