Number of 2Xn arrays of permutations of 0..n*2-1 with rows nondecreasing modulo 3 and columns nondecreasing modulo 6.

%I #3 Nov 21 2015 08:20:39

%S 1,1,8,84,800,15360,357696,6873984,262813248,12288817152,432621305856,

%T 28148895055872,2108257586380800

%N Number of 2Xn arrays of permutations of 0..n*2-1 with rows nondecreasing modulo 3 and columns nondecreasing modulo 6.

%C Row 2 of A264709.

%e Some solutions for n=6

%e ..6..0..1..7..4.10....0..6..3..9..1..8....6..3..1..4..2..8....6..0.10..4..1..7

%e ..3..9..8..2..5.11....7..4.10.11..2..5....0..9..7.10.11..5....9..3.11..5..2..8

%Y Cf. A264709.

%K nonn

%O 1,3

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Nov 21 2015