%I #22 Jan 02 2016 04:31:51
%S 136,244,919,1459,2178,6514,58618,76438,89883,157596,63804,313625,
%T 2755907,6586433,8139850,9057586,144839908,1043820406,277668893,
%U 756738746,304162700,344050075,4370652168,11346057072,21914086555935085,37878721692554416,187864919457180831,375609204308055082,13397885590701080090,40091536165423401387
%N Amicable digital pairs: A262091 and A262092 interleaved.
%C A pair of numbers x and y are called amicable digital if, in decimal notation and with an appropriate number of leading zeros prepended, x = (x_m...x_1x_0)_{10}, y = (y_m...y_1y_0)_{10}, x = y_m^m + ... + y_1^m + y_0^m, and y = x_m^m + ... + x_1^m + x_0^m.
%C First differs from A264958 (another version) at a(9).
%H D. Knuth, <a href="http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/amicable_digit_powers.txt">List of first 36 pairs</a>
%Y Cf. A262091, A262092, A264951, A264958.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A _Omar E. Pol_, Nov 29 2015
%E Suggested by _Don Knuth_, see the Links section and A262091.