Denominators of domain values whose images via the flowsnake Q-function follow a spiral trajectory.

%I #16 Mar 13 2016 10:25:01

%S 56,56,392,392,56,392,2744,2744,19208,19208,2744,19208,134456,134456,

%T 941192,941192,134456,941192,6588344,6588344,46118408,46118408,

%U 6588344,46118408,322828856,322828856,2259801992,2259801992,322828856,2259801992

%N Denominators of domain values whose images via the flowsnake Q-function follow a spiral trajectory.

%C See A262147 for extended definition.

%H B. Klee, <a href="http://www.complex-systems.com/abstracts/v24_i04_a01.html">A Pit of Flowsnakes</a>, Complex Systems, 24, 4 (2015).

%H B. Klee, <a href="http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/FlowsnakeQFunction/">Flowsnake Q-Function</a>, Wolfram Demonstrations(2015).

%F Conjectures from _Colin Barker_, Jan 24 2016: (Start)

%F a(n) = 49*a(n-6) for n>6.

%F G.f.: 56*(1+x+7*x^2+7*x^3+x^4+7*x^5) / ((1-7*x^3)*(1+7*x^3)).

%F (End)

%t b[n_] := Select[Union@Join[Flatten[MapIndexed[#1/(8 7^#2[[1]]) &, MapIndexed[With[{l =If[OddQ[#2[[1]] ], {10, 14, 8, 8, 10}, {10, 8, 8, 14,10}]},FoldList[Plus, #1, l]] &,FoldList[7 (#1 + #2) + 24 &, 3, Table[If[OddQ[i], 10, 26], {i, 1, 2 Ceiling[n/6]}]] ] ] ] ], # < 3/8 &][[1 ;; n]];Denominator[b[100]]

%Y Numerator sequence: A262147.

%K frac,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Bradley Klee_, Sep 12 2015