Arrange the 26 sporadic simple groups in increasing order; a(n) = number of sporadic simple groups of which the n-th largest sporadic simple group is a subquotient.

%I #35 Jun 14 2024 22:31:10

%S 19,12,2,16,4,10,7,1,5,7,3,1,3,1,3,4,5,3,1,3,4,2,1,2,2,1

%N Arrange the 26 sporadic simple groups in increasing order; a(n) = number of sporadic simple groups of which the n-th largest sporadic simple group is a subquotient.

%C The sum of all elements of the sequence is the same as that of A263447.

%D J. H. Conway, R. T. Curtis, S. P. Norton, R. A. Parker and R. A. Wilson, ATLAS of Finite Groups. Oxford Univ. Press, 1985 [for best online version see https://oeis.org/wiki/Welcome#Links_to_Other_Sites]. Page 238.

%H Wikipedia, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sporadic_group">Sporadic group</a>

%e The sporadic group Fi_23 is a subquotient of the sporadic groups Fi_23 (itself), Fi_24, the Baby Monster and the Monster, so a(21) = 4.

%Y Cf. A001228, A263447.

%K nonn,fini,full

%O 1,1

%A _Sven Simon_, _Charles R Greathouse IV_, _Franklin T. Adams-Watters_, Oct 24 2015