Consider the 2^n values of A147562(i)/i^2 for 2^n <= i < 2^(n+1); a(n) = value of i where this quantity is minimized.

%I #35 Feb 24 2021 02:48:19

%S 1,3,5,11,23,45,91,183,365,731,1461,2923,5847,11693,23387,46775,93549,

%T 187099,374197,748395,1496791,2993581,5987163,11974327,23948653,

%U 47897307,95794615,191589229,383178459,766356917,1532713835,3065427671

%N Consider the 2^n values of A147562(i)/i^2 for 2^n <= i < 2^(n+1); a(n) = value of i where this quantity is minimized.

%C This sequence (for Ulam-Warburton) is analogous to A170927 (for toothpicks). Further, the lower limit of A147562(n)/n^2 evidently approaches twice the constant given in A195853.

%C Note that all values in this sequence are odd and that a(n)=2*a(n-1)+1 or a(n)=2*a(n-1)-1. - _Robert Price_, Aug 14 2015

%D D. Applegate, O. E. Pol and N. J. A. Sloane, The toothpick sequence and other sequences from cellular automata, Congressus Numerantium, v. 206 (2010) 157-191.

%H Robert Price, <a href="/A260239/b260239.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..291</a>

%H D. Applegate, O. E. Pol and N. J. A. Sloane, <a href="/A000695/a000695_1.pdf">The toothpick sequence and other sequences from cellular automata</a>; also available at <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1004.3036">arXiv:1004.3036v2</a>, [math.CO], 2010.

%H Steven R. Finch, <a href="/A139250/a139250_1.pdf">Toothpicks and Live Cells</a>, July 21, 2015. [Cached copy, with permission of the author]

%Y Cf. A139250, A147562, A170927, A195853.

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Steven Finch_, Jul 20 2015