Smallest magic constant of ultramagic squares of order n composed of distinct prime numbers.

%I #38 Jun 03 2024 09:44:49

%S 3505,990,4613,2040

%N Smallest magic constant of ultramagic squares of order n composed of distinct prime numbers.

%C A magic square is associative if the sum of any two elements symmetric about its center is the same. A magic square is pandiagonal if the sum of the numbers in any broken diagonal equals the magic constant. A magic square is ultramagic if it is associative and pandiagonal.

%C Ultramagic squares exist for orders n>=5.

%C The following bounds for the next terms are known: 12249<=a(9)<=13059, 4200<=a(10)<=46150, a(11)>=26521, a(12)>=8820, a(13)>=49439, a(14)>=16170, a(15)>=74595, a(16)>=21840.

%H Discussion at the scientific forum dxdy.ru, <a href="http://dxdy.ru/post1002869.html#p1002869">Devilish magic squares of primes</a> (in Russian)

%H Wikipedia, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_square">Magic Square</a>

%e a(6)=990 corresponds to the following ultramagic square found by _Max Alekseyev_:

%e 103 59 163 233 139 293

%e 229 257 307 131 13 53

%e 283 17 67 173 181 269

%e 61 149 157 263 313 47

%e 277 317 199 23 73 101

%e 37 191 97 167 271 227

%e a(7)=4613 corresponds to the following ultramagic square found by _Natalia Makarova_:

%e 227 617 677 431 1217 1307 137

%e 1259 827 1061 509 521 167 269

%e 347 929 1187 17 557 719 857

%e 89 479 29 659 1289 839 1229

%e 461 599 761 1301 131 389 971

%e 1049 1151 797 809 257 491 59

%e 1181 11 101 887 641 701 1091

%e a(8)=2040 corresponds to the following ultramagic square found by _Natalia Makarova_:

%e 241 199 409 467 47 79 359 239

%e 421 137 7 53 487 179 317 439

%e 31 281 347 353 227 277 127 397

%e 449 197 109 379 491 337 11 67

%e 443 499 173 19 131 401 313 61

%e 113 383 233 283 157 163 229 479

%e 71 193 331 23 457 503 373 89

%e 271 151 431 463 43 101 311 269

%Y Cf. A006052, A081262, A081263.

%K nonn,more

%O 5,1

%A _Natalia Makarova_, Apr 20 2015