Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).
%I #20 Apr 17 2015 05:27:42
%S 34,35,37,39,43,45,50,51,53,55,59,61,82,83,85,87,91,93,114,115,117,
%T 119,123,125,178,179,181,183,187,189,210,211,213,215,219,221,595,661,
%U 663,669,691,693,763,851,947,949,979,1333,1339,1341,1429
%N Numbers such that all their proper hexadecimal prefixes and suffixes represent primes.
%C A proper prefix (or suffix) of a number m is one which is neither void, nor identical to m.
%C Alternative definition: Slicing the hexadecimal expansion of a(n) in any way into two nonempty parts, each part represents a prime number.
%C Every proper hexadecimal prefix of each member a(n) must be a member of A237600. Since the latter is a finite sequence, a(n) is also finite. It has exactly 100 members, the largest of which is 39441303 (not a prime; the largest of the 16 primes occurring in this sequence is 3389).
%C The relation of a(n) to A237600 leads to the fastest way to reliably enumerate all its members.
%H Stanislav Sykora, <a href="/A254756/b254756.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..100</a>
%H Stanislav Sykora, <a href="">PARI/GP scripts for genetic threads</a>
%e 13 is not a member because its expansion in base 16 (0xD) cannot be sliced in two. 33 (equal to 0x21) is also not a member because 1 is not a prime, while 34 (equal to 0x22) is a member because 2 is a prime.
%e 1339, equal to 0x53B, is a member because all its proper hexadecimal prefixes and postfixes (0x5, 0x53, 0x3B, and 0xB) are prime.
%e The largest member is 0x259D397.
%o (PARI) \\ For the function GT_Trunc1 see A237600 and/or the link.
%o slicesIntoPrimes(n, b=10) = { \\ Same function as in A254751.
%o my(k=b); if(n<b, return(0); ); while(n\k>0, if(!isprime(n\k)||!isprime(n%k), return(0); ); k*=b; ); return(1); }
%o NumbersSlicingIntoPrimes(nmax,b=10) = {
%o my(rtp=GT_Trunc1(nmax,isprime,b)); \\ rtp right-truncatable primes
%o my(a=vector(b*#rtp),irtp,d,an,n=0);
%o for(irtp=1,#rtp, \\ For each rtp, append a digit and test
%o for(d=0,b-1,an=b*rtp[irtp]+d;
%o if(slicesIntoPrimes(an,b),n++;a[n]=an)););
%o return(a[1..n]);} v = NumbersSlicingIntoPrimes(1000000,16) \\ Call with nmax>>414,base 16
%o (Python)
%o from gmpy2 import is_prime
%o A254756_list = []
%o for n in range(16,10**6):
%o ....s = format(n,'x')
%o ....for i in range(1,len(s)):
%o ........if not (is_prime(int(s[i:],16)) and is_prime(int(s[:-i],16))):
%o ............break
%o ....else:
%o ........A254756_list.append(n) # _Chai Wah Wu_, Apr 16 2015
%Y Cf. A237600, A254751.
%K nonn,base,fini,full
%O 1,1
%A _Stanislav Sykora_, Mar 05 2015