%I #10 Sep 08 2022 08:46:10
%S 7,13,55,349,2407,16813,117655,823549,5764807,40353613,282475255,
%T 1977326749,13841287207,96889010413,678223072855,4747561509949,
%U 33232930569607,232630513987213,1628413597910455,11398895185373149,79792266297612007,558545864083284013
%N a(n) = 7^n + 6.
%C Subsequence of A226819.
%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_02">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (8,-7).
%F G.f.: (7 - 43*x) / ((1 - x)*(1 - 7*x)).
%F a(n) = 8*a(n-1) - 7*a(n-2) for n>1.
%t Table[7^n + 6, {n, 0, 30}]
%o (Magma) [7^n+6: n in [0..30]];
%Y Cf. similar sequences listed in A253208.
%Y Cf. A164783, A226819.
%K nonn,easy
%O 0,1
%A _Vincenzo Librandi_, Dec 29 2014