Number of length 3+1 0..n arrays with the sum of the squares of adjacent differences multiplied by some arrangement of +-1 equal to zero

%I #4 Nov 16 2014 07:04:39

%S 8,27,52,89,140,207,288,389,504,639,780,949,1132,1335,1552,1789,2048,

%T 2339,2636,2957,3292,3639,4000,4401,4840,5299,5772,6265,6772,7319,

%U 7880,8477,9080,9711,10364,11061,11772,12495,13232,14013,14816,15647,16484

%N Number of length 3+1 0..n arrays with the sum of the squares of adjacent differences multiplied by some arrangement of +-1 equal to zero

%C Row 3 of A250277

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A250278/b250278.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..201</a>

%e Some solutions for n=6

%e ..4....1....4....4....2....6....5....3....5....1....2....1....1....5....6....5

%e ..4....1....6....0....1....0....2....0....1....6....1....1....2....2....3....5

%e ..1....1....6....4....2....6....5....3....6....1....1....3....1....6....6....6

%e ..4....1....4....4....2....6....5....3....3....1....2....1....1....1....6....5

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Nov 16 2014