Number of length n+5 0..7 arrays with no six consecutive terms having five times any element equal to the sum of the remaining five.

%I #8 Nov 09 2014 07:12:25

%S 235196,1699092,12297972,89105036,645979544,4684420552,33973205930,

%T 246394508200,1787038582186,12961135262872,94006175274074,

%U 681823782781788,4945255917923416,35867880222569408,260149395845852954

%N Number of length n+5 0..7 arrays with no six consecutive terms having five times any element equal to the sum of the remaining five.

%C Column 7 of A249530.

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A249529/b249529.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%e Some solutions for n=1:

%e ..6....4....2....0....6....4....2....0....2....4....2....0....4....6....4....4

%e ..4....5....6....0....2....2....5....1....0....0....0....2....7....5....6....3

%e ..4....5....2....6....5....3....6....3....7....1....7....2....6....2....3....0

%e ..1....6....2....5....2....7....3....1....0....5....6....0....6....3....5....2

%e ..4....5....1....4....1....6....7....4....6....2....2....3....5....2....6....1

%e ..1....4....5....5....5....0....3....7....7....3....1....1....7....4....5....5

%Y Cf. A249530.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Oct 31 2014