Subsequence of lesser of 2 terms of A095301 that are 2 apart.

%I #10 May 06 2022 13:13:51

%S 5850,8370,12400,12402,13804,15930,21328,25506,26908,29428,32058,

%T 36988,41886,45162,46564,52108,53730,59668,61290,62944,64818,66220,

%U 71008,71370,72772,74788,76410,82600,83970,85876,91026,92428,97468,99090,103662,104130,105028

%N Subsequence of lesser of 2 terms of A095301 that are 2 apart.

%C A095301 lists integers that have a smaller friend, that is, there exists a smaller integer with same abundancy, sigma(x)/x. In A095301 there are terms with a difference of 2, motivating this sequence.

%e 5850 is in the sequence because 5850 and 5852, that differ by 2, are both in A095301. That is, for both X=5850 and Y=5852, there exists 2 smaller z (x and y) such that sigma(z)/z = sigma(Z)/Z: 300 and 1254.

%Y Cf. A095301, A248084 (similar, with 3 consecutive terms).

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Michel Marcus_, Oct 01 2014