Prime lucky numbers that are palindromic in base 2.

%I #14 Nov 19 2019 06:01:02

%S 3,7,31,73,127,1831,1879,5869,6211,8191,19609,25939,28123,86293,86677,

%T 88117,97213,98563,98947,115783,131071,268993,287281,296713,321721,

%U 354997,456571,505711,514783,524287,1096609,1199689,1242601,1415989,1420981,1488301,1672243,1741099,1851271

%N Prime lucky numbers that are palindromic in base 2.

%H Amiram Eldar, <a href="/A244114/b244114.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..311</a> (terms 1..71 from Robert G. Wilson v)

%t nn = 10^7; t = Range[1, nn, 2]; sieve[n_] := Module[{k = t[[n]]}, t = Delete[t, Table[{i}, {i, k, Length[t], k}]]]; n = 1; While[ t[[n]] < Length[t], n++; sieve[n]]; palQ[n_Integer, base_Integer] := Module[{idn = IntegerDigits[n, base]}, idn == Reverse[ idn]]; Select[t, PrimeQ@# && palQ[#, 2] &]

%Y Intersection of A000040, A000959 & A006995.

%Y Cf. A031881.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Jun 20 2014