%I #7 Feb 09 2015 10:34:26
%S 1,1842,381540,33260687,1764436385,67244544426,2018462900473,
%T 50530007996596,1096301608172492,21183116277395043,371926458625987333,
%U 6025302522233251390,91147815762874899354,1299862836761209689164,17611186926254063273931,228129250314546958924423
%N Number of isoscent sequences of length n with exactly nine descents.
%H Joerg Arndt and Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A243482/b243482.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 15..100</a>
%t b[n_, i_, t_] := b[n, i, t] = If[n < 1, 1, Expand[Sum[ If[j < i, x, 1] *b[n - 1, j, t + If[j == i, 1, 0]], {j, 0, t + 1}]]]; a[n_] := Coefficient[b[n - 1, 0, 0], x, 9]; Table[a[n], {n, 15, 40}] (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Feb 09 2015, after A242352 *)
%Y Column k=9 of A242352.
%K nonn
%O 15,2
%A _Joerg Arndt_ and _Alois P. Heinz_, Jun 05 2014