Numbers n such that prime(n) and phi(n) have the same decimal digits.

%I #8 Jan 02 2017 01:59:50

%S 51,279,326,798,810,977,1009,1019,1360,1369,1561,1687,1711,1735,1979,

%T 2272,2505,2970,3502,4413,4690,5277,5283,5837,6151,6645,6769,6943,

%U 7633,8198,8313,8318,10391,10877,11321,15079,16636,17961,18653,18948,19143,20070

%N Numbers n such that prime(n) and phi(n) have the same decimal digits.

%e 51 is in the sequence because prime(51) = 233 and phi(51) = 32.

%e 20070 is in the sequence because prime(20070) = 225583 and phi(20070) = 5328.

%o (PARI) s=[]; for(n=1, 30000, if(vecsort(digits(prime(n)),,8) == vecsort(digits(eulerphi(n)),,8), s=concat(s, n))); s

%Y Cf. A000010, A000040, A243463.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Colin Barker_, Jun 05 2014