%I #8 Apr 14 2019 18:22:00
%S 44,45,61,62,76,92,95,143,152,174,195,215,220,239,291,342,345,400,435,
%T 443,478,533,535,569,572,583,597,610,623,635,643,657,684,718,724,762,
%U 808,819,821,828,832,872,891,892,905,919,939,944,1009,1038,1067,1127,1149
%N Numbers which are not in A011373 = Hamming weights of Fibonacci numbers.
%C To compute this sequence efficiently, it would be useful to have good upper and lower bounds on A011373. The scatterplot of that sequence could help to find a good guess.
%H M. Olkowski and others, <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Consider-sequence-sums-digits-in-4510047%2ES%2E5874749379792875524">Consider the sequence of sums of the digits in the binary representations of the Fibonacci numbers. Does every natural number occur in this sequence?</a>, Number Theory group on LinkedIn.com, May 2014.
%Y Cf. A000045, A000120, A011373.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _M. F. Hasler_, May 27 2014
%E More terms from _Alois P. Heinz_, Apr 14 2019