Numbers n such that n^7+7 is prime.

%I #12 Jun 13 2017 10:33:17

%S 0,16,48,66,76,94,114,120,214,216,270,346,454,496,516,594,598,606,628,

%T 730,780,786,808,936,948,1030,1044,1104,1168,1248,1258,1270,1276,1396,

%U 1474,1506,1548,1594,1728,1746,1830,1870,1900,1908,1914,1936,1968,2040,2070,2104,2118,2136,2158,2278,2320,2376,2518,2586,2610,2736

%N Numbers n such that n^7+7 is prime.

%C Note that all numbers in this sequence are even.

%e 16^7+7 = 268435463 is prime. Thus, 16 is a member of this sequence.

%o (Python)

%o import sympy

%o from sympy import isprime

%o {print(n) for n in range(10**4) if isprime(n**7+7)}

%o (PARI) is(n)=isprime(n^7+7) \\ _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Jun 13 2017

%Y Cf. A067201, A049441.

%K easy,nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Derek Orr_, Mar 16 2014