Number of (n+1)X(2+1) 0..3 arrays with the difference between each 2X2 subblock maximum and minimum lexicographically nondecreasing rowwise and columnwise

%I #4 Jan 10 2014 08:01:02

%S 3038,112442,3874844,119751976,3475660106,95292647278,2512120106496,

%T 64153830106994,1600446073292528,39201292057599402,946993165785847438,

%U 22633272877683534154,536552802911290491046,12640620869455915299860

%N Number of (n+1)X(2+1) 0..3 arrays with the difference between each 2X2 subblock maximum and minimum lexicographically nondecreasing rowwise and columnwise

%C Column 2 of A235430

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A235427/b235427.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%e Some solutions for n=2

%e ..1..2..2....0..2..2....3..2..3....1..0..2....1..2..3....0..1..1....1..2..3

%e ..1..0..3....1..0..2....0..0..0....2..0..3....1..3..0....1..0..3....3..3..1

%e ..0..2..3....0..2..1....1..3..2....2..1..1....1..3..0....1..1..0....1..2..2

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Jan 10 2014