Trisection of A107926: The least number k such that there are primes p and q with p - q = 6*n+4, p + q = k, and p the least such prime >= k/2.

%I #17 Feb 17 2014 12:18:46

%S 18,48,102,444,174,432,582,672,846,984,1902,636,1122,1464,2730,3348,

%T 3342,1752,5154,8424,1842,5244,5802,5076,9714,10392,11898,11928,12966,

%U 14796,7662,21516,23202,39216,18234,10572,8742,21732,16770,38076,30102,19884,54822,44604

%N Trisection of A107926: The least number k such that there are primes p and q with p - q = 6*n+4, p + q = k, and p the least such prime >= k/2.

%C All terms found to date are congruent to 0 (mod 6).

%C Record values: 18, 48, 102, 174, 432, 582, 636, 1122, 1464, 1752, 1842, 5076, 7662, 8742, 16770, 16938, 27072, 37416, 49086, 50736, 63552, 80568, 93654, 126582, 136362, 255672, 500208, 1070574, 2549718, 3328608, 4436316, 4743834, 7906854, 8303664, 8818122, 11747676, 21461364, 26582496, 30738636, 36170334, 42304728, 45413748, 100573404, 101901222, 142408062, 215780022, 222856404, 276403416, 397812606, 578042658, 695661546, 1217194032, 1540728846, 1752132852, 1760999466, 1896604482, 3024520584, 8602478358, 12860956476, 12987816186, 13162543146, 13319210952, …, .

%H Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="/A234956/b234956.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..855</a>

%F a(n) = A107926(3n-1).

%t f[n_] := Block[{p = n/2}, While[ !PrimeQ[n - p], p = NextPrime@ p]; p - n/2]; t = Table[0, {10000}]; k = 4; While[k < 12475000001, If[ t[[f@ k]] == 0, t[[f@ k]] = k; Print[{f@ k, k}]]; k += 2]; Table[ t[[n]], {n, 2, 5000, 3}]

%Y Cf. A107926, A231156, A234955.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Jan 01 2014