Natural log radix 10 grafting integers.

%I #19 Apr 06 2020 19:04:05

%S 35,4834,9117,9118,29620,116671,238003,238004,1416360,5524748,5893348,

%T 5893349,16626508,82253118,190660024,223091196

%N Natural log radix 10 grafting integers.

%C Natural log radix 10 grafting integers are integers n such that, when written in radix 10, log(n) contains the digits of n before or directly after the decimal point (ignoring leading 0's and adding trailing 0's).

%H Robert Tanniru, <a href="http://roberttanniru.weebly.com/natural-log-rafting-integers.html">List of Natural Log Grafting Integers</a>

%e log(29620) = 10.2962050878...

%e log(1416360) = 14.1636007582...

%K nonn,base,hard

%O 1,1

%A _Robert Tanniru_, Nov 19 2013