Sequence of pairs k,g such that k is the smallest odd number and k*2^n-1-g, k*2^n-1, k*2^n-1+g are three consecutive primes in arithmetic progression.

%I #14 Nov 28 2013 15:31:51

%S 3,2,53,12,33,6,69,6,19,6,2193,12,93,6,113,6,87,6,413,12,1165,12,143,

%T 6,237,6,47,6,315,18,779,6,631,30,797,6,735,12,567,18,397,6,351,24,

%U 195,18,39,36,2719,6,971,6,1369,30,635,18,1501,12,593,72,2053,6

%N Sequence of pairs k,g such that k is the smallest odd number and k*2^n-1-g, k*2^n-1, k*2^n-1+g are three consecutive primes in arithmetic progression.

%H Pierre CAMI, <a href="/A231576/b231576.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1300</a>

%H Pierre CAMI, <a href="/A231576/a231576.txt">PFGW Script</a>

%e 3*2^1-1-2=3, 3*2^1-1=5, 3*2^1-1+2=7, so first pair = 3,2 (the only one with g=2).

%e 53*2^2-1-12=199, 53*2^2-1=211, 53*2^2-1+12=223, so second pair = 53,12.

%Y Cf. A228452, A228454, A230699, A230852.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Pierre CAMI_, Nov 11 2013