Number of colorings of the edges of the complete graph on n unlabeled vertices using at most three interchangeable colors under the symmetries of the full edge permutation group.

%I #28 Feb 04 2024 22:29:56

%S 1,3,15,142,4300,384199,98654374,70130880569,136638863494089,

%T 730439999032117301,10764688922047900738650,

%U 439762062635963206090747374,50066701349010686289507943943535,15962815411172611585301863116082363362,14314975828662356561039590680011420432741442,36247244119877673111912410070361564495415461430358

%N Number of colorings of the edges of the complete graph on n unlabeled vertices using at most three interchangeable colors under the symmetries of the full edge permutation group.

%D Harary and Palmer, Graphical Enumeration, Chapter Six.

%H Marko Riedel, <a href="/A230367/b230367.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 2..40</a>

%H Marko Riedel, <a href="http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/607956/">Colorings of the cube</a>.

%H Marko Riedel, <a href="/A230367/a230367_1.maple.txt">Colorings of the complete graph Kn with some number of swappable colors</a>.

%Y Cf. A007869.

%K nonn

%O 2,2

%A _Marko Riedel_, Dec 20 2013