Number of n X 4 0..6 arrays of the sum of the corresponding element, the element to the east and the element to the south in a larger (n+1) X 5 0..2 array.

%I #6 Oct 13 2021 00:44:54

%S 1555,775213,262875231,74760946845,19598169849191,4960640065587845,

%T 1235565258789975999,305000184885228282189,74877571723905905928727,

%U 18318283867677317849128917,4471265968261439331036589871

%N Number of n X 4 0..6 arrays of the sum of the corresponding element, the element to the east and the element to the south in a larger (n+1) X 5 0..2 array.

%C Column 4 of A229437.

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A229434/b229434.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..13</a>

%e Some solutions for n=2

%e ..0..4..5..2....3..3..5..3....0..1..3..0....0..0..3..3....0..2..6..6

%e ..3..4..1..0....2..2..6..6....0..4..4..1....0..3..4..0....0..4..6..4

%Y Cf. A229437.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Sep 23 2013