%I #41 Jan 06 2025 22:27:03
%S 1,1,3,1,10,15,2,41,129,80,6,196,1115,1260,510,24,20,1057,10395,17780,
%T 12840,3744,840,6322,105315,258510,264810,135492,47250,4920,0,0,504,0,
%U 420,41393,1160635,4018000,5318180,3788400,1837024,513120,38640,0,32256,0,26880,0,0,2688
%N Triangle of transformation semigroup sizes generated by a single element.
%C If you take the powers of a finite function you generate a lollipop graph. A222029 organizes the lollipops by cycle size. The table organized by total lollipop size with the tail included is this triangle.
%H Chad Brewbaker, <a href="/A225725/a225725.txt">Ruby program for A225725</a>
%e T(1,1) = #{[0]} = 1.
%e T(2,1) = #{[0,1], [0,0], [1,1]} = 3.
%e T(2,2) = #{[1,0]} = 1.
%e Triangle begins:
%e : 1;
%e : 1;
%e : 3, 1;
%e : 10, 15, 2;
%e : 41, 129, 80, 6;
%e : 196, 1115, 1260, 510, 24, 20;
%e : 1057, 10395, 17780, 12840, 3744, 840;
%e : 6322, 105315, 258510, 264810, 135492, 47250, 4920, 0, 0, 504, 0, 420;
%o (Ruby) # See Brewbaker link.
%Y First column is A000248.
%Y Row sums are: A000312.
%Y Row lengths are A000793.
%Y Number of nonzero elements of rows give A009490.
%Y Cf. A222029.
%K nonn,tabf
%O 0,3
%A _Chad Brewbaker_, May 14 2013
%E More terms, some terms corrected by _Alois P. Heinz_, Aug 17 2017