Triangular numbers of the form p*w, where p is a prime number and w is a prime power (A025475).

%I #4 May 13 2013 01:28:06

%S 3,28,45,136,153,171,325,351,496,1431,3321,4753,7381,8128,13203,29161,

%T 31375,32896,56953,65341,118341,166753,195625,354061,780625,1063611,

%U 2390391,2883601,3544453,5649841,6060421,6835753,6924781,9563751,11527201,12708361,19478161,24231241

%N Triangular numbers of the form p*w, where p is a prime number and w is a prime power (A025475).

%Y Cf. A000040, A000217, A025475.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Alex Ratushnyak_, May 12 2013