Denominator of lexicographically least fraction f satisfying floor(f*10^A055642(n)) = n.

%I #8 Apr 17 2016 04:41:37

%S 6,4,3,5,2,3,4,5,10,10,9,8,15,7,13,6,17,11,21,5,14,9,13,25,4,15,11,7,

%T 17,10,16,25,3,23,14,11,8,13,23,5,12,7,16,9,11,13,17,25,51,2,27,17,13,

%U 11,9,16,7,12,22,5,13,8,11,14,20,3,28,16,13,10,7,11,15

%N Denominator of lexicographically least fraction f satisfying floor(f*10^A055642(n)) = n.

%C 1 < a(n) <= 10^A055642(n).

%C For any reduced fraction u/v in the interval [1/10..1[, a(floor(u/v*10^k))=v for k sufficiently large.

%H Paul Tek, <a href="/A224927/b224927.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..11000</a>

%e The fractions f satisfying floor(f*100)=42, are, in lexicographical order: 3/7, 6/14, 8/19, 9/21, 11/26, 12/28, 14/33, 15/35, 16/38, 17/40, 18/42, 19/45, 20/47, 21/49...

%e Hence, a(42)=denominator(3/7)=7.

%o (PARI) a224927(n) =\

%o local(a=0, b=1, c, d, e=1, f=0, x=1); \

%o while(x<=n, x=x*10); \

%o while(1, c=a+e; d=b+f; \

%o if(c/d < n/x, a=c; b=d, \

%o if(c/d >= (n+1)/x, e=c; f=d, \

%o return(d))))

%Y Cf. A224926 (numerators), A055642, A002487.

%K nonn,base,frac

%O 1,1

%A _Paul Tek_, Apr 20 2013