Number of permutations of length n containing exactly 1 occurrence of 12354.

%I #13 Jan 02 2019 16:15:25

%S 0,0,0,0,1,19,246,2767,29384,305646,3170684,33104118,349462727,

%T 3738073247,40549242195,446115153023,4976319258200,56252653681606,

%U 643996994735079,7461850038335967,87447167319345337,1035866799853591309,12395264890256322913

%N Number of permutations of length n containing exactly 1 occurrence of 12354.

%H Brian Nakamura, <a href="http://puma.dimai.unifi.it/24_2/nakamura.pdf">Approaches for enumerating permutations with a prescribed number of occurrences of patterns</a>, PU. M. A. 24 (2013), 179-194

%H Brian Nakamura, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.5080">Approaches for enumerating permutations with a prescribed number of occurrences of patterns</a>, arXiv 1301.5080, 2013

%p Programs can be obtained from the link.

%Y Cf. A047889.

%K nonn

%O 1,6

%A _Brian Nakamura_, Apr 01 2013