Number of n X n 0..3 arrays with rows and columns unimodal and antidiagonals nondecreasing

%I #5 Dec 18 2015 18:18:33

%S 4,160,9731,638996,41991129,2701569493,169750613182,10454910167463,

%T 634179969235617,38050532050437859

%N Number of n X n 0..3 arrays with rows and columns unimodal and antidiagonals nondecreasing

%C Diagonal of A224050

%e Some solutions for n=3

%e ..3..2..1....2..2..1....1..0..0....0..2..2....0..1..0....2..1..0....2..1..0

%e ..3..3..1....2..2..2....3..2..0....2..3..0....1..1..3....2..2..0....2..2..3

%e ..3..3..0....3..2..2....3..3..0....3..2..0....3..3..0....2..2..0....2..3..0

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Apr 01 2013