%I #15 Jan 30 2013 01:57:10
%S 0,0,1,2,3,4,6,12,19,30,40,66,110,173,285,463,749,1256,2075,3499,5884,
%T 9928,16754,28345,48037,82187,140358,239768,409315,700510,1200863,
%U 2061093,3544072,6098353,10505051
%N Number of primes of the form (x+1)^5 - x^5 less than 10^n.
%C Number of primes less than 10^n and equal to the difference of two consecutive fifth powers (x+1)^5 - x^5 = 5x(x+1)(x^2+x+1)+1 (A121616). Values of x = A121617. Sequence of number of primes less than 10^n and of the form (x+1)^5 - x^5 have similar characteristics to similar sequences for natural primes (A006880) and cuban primes (A113478).
%K nonn
%O 0,4
%A _Vladimir Pletser_, Jan 26 2013