Number of ways to reciprocally link elements of an 5Xn array either to themselves or to exactly two horizontal or antidiagonal neighbors

%I #4 Dec 17 2012 09:35:02

%S 1,1,8,114,1481,17527,201903,2329448,26904225,310837917,3591561452,

%T 41499180881,479508472309,5540546671074,64018957168901,

%U 739714921940047,8547125318062702,98758781455779205,1141120102778497151

%N Number of ways to reciprocally link elements of an 5Xn array either to themselves or to exactly two horizontal or antidiagonal neighbors

%C Row 5 of A220632

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A220635/b220635.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%F Empirical: a(n) = 16*a(n-1) -39*a(n-2) -186*a(n-3) +419*a(n-4) +1024*a(n-5) -1049*a(n-6) -2258*a(n-7) +861*a(n-8) +2000*a(n-9) -133*a(n-10) -586*a(n-11) -16*a(n-12) +32*a(n-13) for n>17

%e Some solutions for n=3 0=self 3=ne 4=w 6=e 7=sw (reciprocal directions total 10)

%e .00.67.47...00.67.47...00.00.00...00.00.00...00.00.00...00.67.47...00.00.00

%e .36.34.00...36.34.00...00.00.00...00.67.47...00.67.47...36.34.00...00.00.00

%e .00.67.47...00.00.00...00.00.00...36.34.00...36.34.00...00.00.00...00.00.00

%e .36.34.00...00.67.47...00.67.47...00.67.47...00.00.00...00.00.00...00.00.00

%e .00.00.00...36.34.00...36.34.00...36.34.00...00.00.00...00.00.00...00.00.00

%K nonn

%O 1,3

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Dec 17 2012