Number of connected cyclic conjugacy classes of subgroups of the alternating group.

%I #8 Jan 20 2018 17:23:02

%S 1,1,0,1,1,1,2,1,3,3,4,2,8,2

%N Number of connected cyclic conjugacy classes of subgroups of the alternating group.

%C a(n) is also the number of connected even partitions of n in the following sense. Given a partition of n, the vertices are the parts of the partition and two vertices are connected if and only if their gcd is greater than 1. We call a partition connected if the graph is connected.

%H Liam Naughton and Goetz Pfeiffer, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.1911">Integer sequences realized by the subgroup pattern of the symmetric group</a>, arXiv:1211.1911 and <a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/journals/JIS/VOL16/Naughton/naughton2.html">J. Int. Seq. 16 (2013) #13.5.8</a>

%H Liam Naughton, <a href="http://www.maths.nuigalway.ie/~liam/CountingSubgroups.g">CountingSubgroups.g</a>

%H Liam Naughton and Goetz Pfeiffer, <a href="http://schmidt.nuigalway.ie/tomlib/">Tomlib, The GAP table of marks library</a>

%Y Cf. A218970

%K nonn,more

%O 0,7

%A _Liam Naughton_, Nov 28 2012