%I #9 Aug 11 2015 01:36:54
%S 1,36,576,64,900,4235364,112896,4064256,2624400,1,900,9437184,1285956,
%T 45158400,1093955625,45158400,101606400,19110297600,740710656,36,
%U 16384,7290000,241864704,1316818944,12859560000,65028096,585252864,4064256,129600,576,74649600
%N Product of the nonzero digits (in base 10) of n^5.
%C This is to 5 as A218145, product of the nonzero digits (in base 10) of
%C n^3, is to 3. Similar to A053668, which does not exclude zero digits
%C from the product. This is to the 5th powers A000584 as cubes A000578
%C are to A218145, and as A218072 is to the squares A000290.
%e a(3) = 36 because 3^5 = 243, and 2*4*3 = 36.
%t Table[Times @@ Select[IntegerDigits[n^5], # > 0 &], {n, 60}]
%Y Cf. A000584, A007954, A053668, A218072, A218145.
%K nonn,base,easy
%O 1,2
%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Oct 25 2012