If a number (a product of exactly three primes) has an odd number of digits, only its central digit is deleted to test for status as a cube; if such a number has an even number of digits, its two central digits are deleted to test whether that's a cube. - Harvey P. Dale, Dec 19 2020
In theory, a cube with an even number of digits could be represented in the sequence by up to 110 numbers by inserting {0,1,...,9} and {00,01,...,99}. In the first 10000 terms, 1079^3 has a record 46 representatives, though it is unlikely that this is a global record.
The cubes of 10, 20 and 48 are the first three cubes not represented in the sequence.
It would be nice to have a proof that this sequence is infinite. - N. J. A. Sloane, Dec 19 2020
Christian N. K. Anderson, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
207 = 3*3*23 is a term: it becomes the cube 27 when the central digit is deleted.
2007 = 3*3*223 is a term: it becomes the cube 27 when the two central digits are deleted.
Here is a larger example taken at random from the b-file:
4178131923 = (3) (7) (198958663)
Delete the central pair of digits and we get a cube: 41781923 = 347^3. - N. J. A. Sloane, Dec 19 2020
cdn[n_]:=Module[{idn=IntegerDigits[n], len}, len=Length[idn]; If[OddQ[ len], FromDigits[ Drop[idn, {(len+1)/2}]], FromDigits[Drop[idn, {len/2, len/2+1}]]]]; Select[Range[100, 100000], PrimeOmega[#]==3 && IntegerQ[ Surd[ cdn[#], 3]]&] (* Harvey P. Dale, Dec 19 2020 *)
removecentraldigit<-function(x) { s=as.character(x); n=nchar(s);
as.bigz(paste(substr(s, 1, ifelse(n%%2==0, n/2-1, (n-1)/2)), substr(s, ifelse(n%%2==0, n/2+2, (n+3)/2), n), sep=""))};
istriprime=function(x) ifelse(as.bigz(x)<8, F, length(factorize(x))==3);
iscube<-function(x) ifelse(as.bigz(x)<2, T, all(table(as.numeric(factorize(x)))%%3==0));
which(sapply(201:6400, function(x) istriprime(x) & iscube(removecentraldigit(x))))+200
Kevin L. Schwartz and Christian N. K. Anderson, May 03 2013
Edited by N. J. A. Sloane, Dec 19 2020