Smallest palindromic number of 7 digits in two bases differing by n.

%I #13 Aug 19 2015 23:30:08

%S 186621,532900,1857351,9046409,17439233,69012421,146766357,289744476,

%T 347411351,390219121,1200809057,1393838392,3088676989,2383346701,

%U 3333147809,6041072349,6819663132,7822398453,9534770061,12359264257,18701296795,20196246357,25763014657

%N Smallest palindromic number of 7 digits in two bases differing by n.

%C See comments to A216840 and A216841. Smaller of pair of bases are 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 17, 17. The A216*** cross-references here are other sequences of this collection, while the A171*** ones are to various multi-base record palindromes.

%H Chai Wah Wu, <a href="/A216901/b216901.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..100</a>

%e 9046409 is also a 7-digit palindrome in base 14 (in addition to decimal). No smaller number is a 7-digit palindrome in both of two bases that differ by 4.

%Y Cf. A171701, A171702, A171703, A171704, A171705, A171706, A171740, A171741, A171742, A171775, A216840, A216841, A216843, A216899, A216900, A216902, A216903, A216904, A216905, A216906, A216907, A216908, A216909, A216910.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _James G. Merickel_, Sep 19 2012

%E More terms from _Chai Wah Wu_, Aug 16 2015