%I #6 Jun 16 2023 15:29:07
%S 2,12,602,12840,2387180,99827160,41521045376,2751754706832,
%T 2063225889204272,194478305002268064,232628053298868289568,
%U 29191372156840204219200,51464654047934299798487552
%N Number of horizontal and antidiagonal neighbor colorings of the even squares of an n X 5 array with new integer colors introduced in row major order.
%C Column 5 of A216338.
%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A216335/b216335.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..49</a>
%e Some solutions for n=4
%e ..0..x..1..x..2....0..x..1..x..2....0..x..1..x..2....0..x..1..x..0
%e ..x..3..x..4..x....x..3..x..1..x....x..3..x..0..x....x..2..x..3..x
%e ..1..x..5..x..3....2..x..0..x..3....1..x..4..x..5....4..x..1..x..0
%e ..x..4..x..0..x....x..2..x..0..x....x..6..x..7..x....x..0..x..4..x
%Y Cf. A216338.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _R. H. Hardin_, Sep 04 2012