Smooth necklaces with 3 colors.

%I #14 Jun 17 2019 05:36:32

%S 1,3,5,8,15,27,58,115,252,541,1196,2629,5894,13156,29667,66978,151966,

%T 345497,788396,1802678,4133161,9495317,21861393,50423468,116514553,

%U 269666605,625108573,1451128479,3373267275,7851415838,18296568717

%N Smooth necklaces with 3 colors.

%C We call a necklace (x[1],x[2],...,x[n]) smooth if abs(x[k]-x[k-1]) <= 1 for 2<=k<=n.

%C All binary necklaces (2 colors, A000031) are necessarily smooth.

%e The smooth pre-necklaces, necklaces (N), and Lyndon words (L) of length 4 with 3 colors (using symbols ".", "1", and "2") are:

%e .... 1 . N

%e ...1 4 ...1 N L

%e ..1. 3 .1.

%e ..11 4 ..11 N L

%e ..12 4 ..12 N L

%e .1.1 2 .1 N

%e .11. 3 11.

%e .111 4 .111 N L

%e .112 4 .112 N L

%e .121 4 .121 N L

%e .122 4 .122 N L

%e 1111 1 1 N

%e 1112 4 1112 N L

%e 1121 3 121

%e 1122 4 1122 N L

%e 1212 2 12 N

%e 1221 3 221

%e 1222 4 1222 N L

%e 2222 1 2 N

%e There are 19 pre-necklaces, 15 necklaces, and 10 Lyndon words.

%e So a(4) = 15.

%Y Cf. A001867 (necklaces, 3 colors), A215328 (smooth Lyndon words, 3 colors).

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Joerg Arndt_, Aug 08 2012

%E More terms from _Joerg Arndt_, Jun 17 2019